Thursday 24 October 2013

Pre-Trip Trainings

The pre-trip trainings were a great time of bonding, brainstorming, discussion and rehearsals. The students worked in their respective groups to design their lesson plans for the Teaching and Hygiene Day at the Dumpsite with the Cambodian Children. The groups have come out with interesting and meaningful activities for the children. Through the rehearsals, the students improved and refined their projects with the constructive feedback from both the peers and the teachers.

Group 1 with their version of "Three Little Pig" tale and simple Maths lessons 

Group 2 with their lively Macarena dance, teachings of the basics and the Five Stones

Group 3 with their ABCs, animal masks and Pass the Hula hoop game

Group 4 with their teachings of the numbers, objects, colours and paper ball games

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