Wednesday 6 November 2013

Day 1: Cambodia here we come!

We are departing for Cambodia FINALLY! After saying goodbyes to family and friends, we are ready to set off for the long awaited life-changing experience. The students do not only bring along their personal luggage, but also the blessings from their loved ones and the great expectation from the school. May it be a fruitful service learning trip that is able to leave long-lasting impact on the students.

After nearly 2 hours of flight and 1 hour of bus ride, it's time for some local delights that tasted like HOME! The students volunteered to serve their friends and everyone was able to enjoy their first dinner at Cambodia. After settling down in the hotel, the students started their final preparations for the teaching day. Each one of them had different parts to play and they were able to work together for a common goal. Reflection time was given to allow the students to consolidate their thoughts and feelings over the past few hours in the foreign land. From their sharing, Cambodia has certainly shed some different lights into their comfortable lives.

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