Monday 11 November 2013

Day 6: Long ride to Siem Reap & the ACODO performance

We finally reached Siem Reap after a long 8 hours bus ride. It was a bumpy ride as there are many bumps and holes on the road. Along the way, we were able to catch a glimpse of the living conditions of the Cambodians. There were wooden houses on one side of the road and the other side were all the agriculture fields, such as rice paddies. There were also small and closely packed shops along the road as well. Young children can be seen selling fruits and souvenirs to the tourists at the stopover areas. It was certainly an eye-opener for the students who are fortunate to live in such a developed country like Singapore.

 In the evening, the students reached at ACODO orphanage (Assisting Cambodian Orphans & Disabled Organization). The children there ranged from the age of 2 to 17 years old. Most of them are orphans, some came from poor and big family and some were disabled. The orphanage took them in and takes care of their lives every day. They also provide formal education for the children. The children are taught life skills and vocational skills. The children are also very talented in performing arts. They performed Cambodian traditional music and dance for us and it was a truly impressive performance.

After the performance, the students took the opportunity to interact with the children and the short interaction had left memories for the students. They learnt to appreciate what they have and always have the heart to contribute back to society in whatever ways they can. The night was short and we have to say goodbyes to the children. As we sat in the bus and watched the children stood outside the gate and waved to us, our hearts were touched and may this night be a turning point to the students.

Quotes of the day:
"I saw animals along the road. One side of the road is weeds, another side is residential houses. The ACODO performance was amazing. I am surprised that even though they are orphans, they still put up a beautiful performance. Despite their sad background, they still put up smiles."              -Thivagar, 3N2

"On the way to Siem Reap, I saw kids showering in the muddy water, it was their swimming pool. The ACODO kids have put up a good show, and I’m grateful for the show. Our bus driver is very responsible by horning to warn the people to be careful about the traffic. I wonder if I can be a responsible person in the future."                                                                                                                       -Dominic, 3N3

"Along the way, I saw many village houses. I think the Cambodian culture is interesting, and the ACODO kids were enjoying themselves while performing. Cambodia is a relaxing and peaceful environment, and this made me more interested in the Cambodia culture."                                                      - Farhanah, 3A                       

"The bus ride to Siem Reap was bumpy. At the ACODO performance, the kids were very friendly. They were dressed in traditional clothing and danced their traditional dance."          -Dorcas, 3A

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