Thursday 7 November 2013

Day 3: It's raining!

Although it's raining the whole day, it did not dampen our spirits. The students gathered at the sheltered space and made the best out of the time they had. They took time to discuss about the plans for tomorrow's Teaching and Hygiene Day. The students also spent time to learn Khmer language from our local guide. They listened attentively, wrote down the pronunciations and practiced pronouncing the foreign words.  The four groups also rehearsed their lessons for the teaching day.

There were a few village children who joined us throughout the process. The students took the opportunity to interact with the children, communicating with them in Khmer, playing with them, taking photos with them...

Quotes of the day:

"Even though it’s raining, the children over there were playing with the puddles of water,  they are very optimistic, despite the weather. Though we could not carry out our original plans, there are still other things to do so that time will not be wasted."                                                                                 - Si Le, 3B

"Children here are cheerful and having fun in everything they can find, with just paper and pen, sunglasses...The people here lead a happy and simple lifestyle as compared to the complicated Singapore lifestyle.Today we also learnt Khmer language, we should show respect to the Cambodia country by putting in effort to learn their language."                                                                                      - Farhanah, 3A

"There are puddles along the roadside, and the children used it to entertain themselves. Rain is also their source of water supply, they are grateful for the rain. Most of us puts in effort to learn and pronounce the Khmer language."                                                                                                           - Thivagah, 3N2

"The places are flooded with water, there is no sewage system like Singapore. The children are playing and the parents just let them be, I think that they should not do that as they might get sick."
                                                                                                                                     - Cong Lin, 3C

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