Tuesday 12 November 2013

Day 7: Angkor Wat and Home!

Time has passed really fast, just in a blink of an eye, we have come to the end of the trip. The past 6 days had been filled with laughter, tears and deep reflections for the students. It is heartening to witness the changes in the students as the days go by. They were more appreciative of the things given to them, more understanding towards others and more passionate to contribute back to the society.

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Finally on the last day, the students got the chance to visit the 7th wonder of the world---Angkor Wat. The aged temple is magnificent and impressive. It definitely allowed the students to enter into the history and culture of Cambodia back in the 13th century. Around us, there were groups of tourists who have come from different places all around the world to view the famous architecture beauty.

After the visit, it marks the end of our service learning trip. The students had mixed feelings, they long to be home again with the loved ones, yet at the same time, it is hard to say goodbye to the wonderful team who had created irreplaceable memories in the 7 days of their Sec 3 lives. Hope this trip is not an end to service learning for the students, but rather a beginning that leads to greater things in the future.

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